Friday, 31 January 2014

Purple T-Rex Puffle now available!

Purple T-rex puffle is now available! This is my second most favorite Dino Puffle! So here are the steps to get it:

  • Go to a digging site and dig until you find a purple puffle shaped egg
  • Click the egg icon on top-right
  • Click Equip and you can also collect the Prehistoric Hair Dryer, which is made of.....stone.....PAPER SCISSORS! JK
  • Take it to the Volcano and hatch it, click the ? icon on egg screen to know how!
  • The puffle is here! Name it!!
I named mine Magenta! What did you name your Purple T-rex Puffle? Tell us in comments! With this only the Yellow Stegosaurus Puffle is left! Come back on 2nd February to get it! Can't wait right?! XD
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