Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Prehistoric Party- Gary Meetup Times!

Note: The below timings are in PST (Penguin Standard Time)

English Servers:

Thursday, January 23
10:00am on the server Rainbow
Saturday, January 25
12:30pm on the server Sled
Sunday, January 26
10:00am on the server Iceland
5:00pm on the server Mittens
7:00pm on the server White Out
Monday, January 27
10:00am on the server Crystal
Tuesday, January 28
*  10:00am on the server Mammoth
Wednesday, January 29
10:00am on the server Sherbet
Thursday, January 30
10:00am on the server Chinook
Friday, January 30
6:00pm on the server Fog
Saturday, February 1
3:30pm on the server Northern Lights
Sunday, February 2
10:00am on the server Iceland
5:30pm on the server Rainbow
Monday, February 3
10:00am on the server Crystal
Tuesday, February 4
10:00am on the server Frosty
Wednesday, February 5
10:00am on the server Rainbow

Portuguese Servers:

Friday January 24, 2014
  • 3:30 AM server Granizo
  • 6:00 AM server Avalanche
  • 1:10 PM server Meias de Lã
Saturday January 25, 2014
  • 8:45 AM server Inverno
  • 10:30 AM server Friaca
  • 1:00 PM server Boreal
Sunday January 26, 2014
  • 9:15 AM server Sibéria
  • 12:00 PM server Poloroca Polar
Monday January 27, 2014
  • 5:30 AM server Bloco de Gelo
  • 8:45 AM server Picolé
  • 11:30 AM server Frape
Tuesday January 28, 2014
  • 3:30 AM server Pólo Sul
  • 8:30 AM server Deu Branco
  • 12:50 PM server Ventania
Wednesday January 29, 2014
  • 5:15 AM server Boreal
  • 9:30 AM server Montanha Nevada
  • 12:30 PM server Inverno
Thursday January 30, 2014
  • 5:45 AM server Floco de Neve
  • 8:30 AM server Freezer
  • 12:45 PM server Torta de Atum
Friday January 31, 2014
  • 3:15 AM server Ventilador
  • 6:00 AM server Cristal de Gelo
  • 1:15 PM server Estalactite
Saturday February 1, 2014
  • 9:30 AM server Geladeira
  • 12:40 PM server Aurora Boreal
Sunday February 2, 2014
  • 9:15 AM server Meias de Lã
  • 10:45 AM server Friaca
  • 12:15 PM server Avalanche
Monday February 3, 2014
  • 3:45 AM server Mamute
  • 7:00 AM server Cordilheira
  • 11:20 AM server Sundae
Tuesday February 4, 2014
  • 5:45 AM server Friaca
  • 8:30 AM server Sibéria
  • 12:45 PM server Tundra

Spanish Servers:

Sunday January 26, 2014: 03:00 PM , server Pingüinópolis
Monday January 27, 2014: 10:00 AM , server Movimiento Ninja
Tuesday January 28, 2014: 07:00 AM , server Yeti
Friday January 31, 2014: 10:00 PM , server Amuleto Ninja
Monday, February 3, 2014: 07:00 AM , server Alas y Aletas

Note: The timings are in CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME!

German Servers:

24th January - 17:30 - Server Handschuhe
28th January - 17:30 - Server Handschuhe
30th January - 15:30 – Server Handschuhe
3rd February - 17:30 - Server Handschuhe
5th February - 17:30 - Server Handschuhe

Note: The below timings are the FRENCH TIMINGS!

French Servers:

24th January : YÉTI – 16:00 in France
25th January : JOUR DE NEIGE - 12:00 in France
                         FLOCON – 16H00 in France
27th January : YÉTI – 17:00 in France
28th January YÉTI – 16:30 in France

More will be added soon!!

Chattabox's Caveguin Dance Party!

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! Chattabox is having another party! Here what she tells:
G'Day Penguins!
I hope you all had an awesome time at last week's Dino Dig party! We found so many eggs – I hope you are all looking after your Dino Puffles.
As most of you know, one of my favourite things about parties is…. the clothes! So this week, lets celebrate all things 'caveguin' and have a HUGE dance party. Come dressed in your fanciest Caveguin outfit from the Prehistoric Party and we'll head to the dance club for the biggest 'Caveguin" dance off ever! Make sure you practice your moves and bring your Dino Puffles and Prehistoric jokes along!
Lets meet in the Forest on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 6th February, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 5th February for everyone over in the US and Canada.
Waddle on!
- The Club Penguin Team
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