Thursday, 6 June 2013

Club Penguin New Log in Screen

Hey everyone, Club Penguin had updated the new log in screen. Look at it:

So how do you like about the log in screens of the Monster University takeover? Let us know through comments!

Club Penguin Style catalog cheats

Hello Penguins,
Club Penguin has updated the penguin style catalog! Look at it:

But sorry guys there are no new hidden items!
So what was you favorite costume? Let us know through comments!

Club Penguin Stage Catalog update

Hey guys, the Stage catalog has benn updated today by Club Penguin. The Catalog is awesome! Check out the images below:

So what is your favorite costume? Let us know through comments!

New Pin- Mermaid Shell Pin

Hey everyone! Its Amaru333 and today I found a new pin , Mermaid Shell pin. Thanks to New from our forum for spotting this. Look at the picture below to find the pin:

Just go to the stage and waddle on the pin to get it in your inventory! And be sure to check our pin tracker!

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