Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Tweets from Polo

These are the Tweets from Polo Field!!!!
Here what he said

1. The rainbow puffle quest will be decreased from 18 hours to 6 hours. Three times faster!!
2. Rainbow Puffle will be permanently added to Club Penguin!!!

Thanks for the tweets Polo


Meeting PH

Met The Puffle Handler also known as 'PH' 

Here is what when Amaru333 met PH
1st Meet (Portuguese Server)

2nd Meet (Portuguese Server)

And these are meetings by Adarshpawar

         Sorry , i could not take a pic as she was very quick and the rooms were full. But here is the proof :       

                                           1ST time meeting.... (Portugese Server)

2nd Time meeting.... (Portugese Server)

Amaru Wednesday

Its Amaru333,

Guys come and meet me by the timing given below for the First Amaru Wednesday

Server: Crunch
Date: 27-3-13
Time: 4:15 am PST

Let's enjoy!!!
Be sure to come.


We are back

We had sent a notification that we won't be back till 27th. But also I was posting some topics. But we are more accurate now.
Thanks for co operating.
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