Tuesday, 1 April 2014

A small April Fools party in Polo Field's igloo!

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! Since there is no Aprils Fools party this year, Polo Field will conduct a small party in his igloo! Here what he said:
Hey Penguins! As there is no April fools party this year in Club Penguin, I thought to keep a small party in my igloo!

So the server is my all time favorite server, Frojd! And the timing is at 4:30 p.m. PST! So be sure to come there! I'll be waiting for you all!
Waddle On,
-Club Penguin Team

Here is the pic of the post:

The Spoiler Alert Episode 17 - April Fools!

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! Club Penguin has posted their next part of the Spoiler Alert! So here what they tell:
I've gotta say, this has got to be my favorite episode of The Spoiler Alert so far! Doesn't that just make you want to watch it right now?!
You can see the actual video here 
-Club Penguin Team

Lol! Nice prank! So here is the real video:

Chattabox Says...

G’Day Penguins,
It’s the last week of the Muppets World Tour… Sad times! I’m really going to miss visiting all the different countries and performing with the Muppets on stage - check out the picture of me with my buddy Squiblet. It was definitely one of my favourite parties. 
So to cheer myself up I’m going to hold a party on Thursday and play a HUGE game of ‘Chattabox Says…’ It’s exactly like ‘Simon Says’ but with me, Chattabox, giving out all the instructions. Your first instruction – Chattabox says “Wear something totally awesome and crazy to my party on Thursday”. I’m thinking huge hats, brightly coloured shoes and lots of accessories – the crazier the better! We’ll meet up and then head to my igloo where the game will begin – hurrah! Can’t wait to see you all.
So lets meet at The Forest on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 3rd April, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don’t forget, this is 10pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 2nd April for everyone over in the US and Canada.
Waddle on!
- The Club Penguin Team
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