Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Club Penguin | More Sneak Peeks Of Star Wars

Hey guys, its Amaru333! Want to know what I have found out today on Disney's Sub Page? Look at this video!

So what do you think about this Superb Video? Let us know through comments!

And one more thing. A new game named Mech Mice will release in some hours for the Beta Test! So we hope it will be Super Hit! For the latest cheats of Mech Mice, visit Mech Mice Amaru333!

Music Update: Monster University Music

This is a message from Polo Field -
It’s been a while since I posted here on my backup blog, so figured it was time to post something again.

I’m stoked to announce that we’ve added a bunch of new tracks to the Club Penguin SoundCloud page, including the music for the new University!

Here’s the new University track:
And i am just gonna say It is epic.It is very rocking music! Did not you think?Let us know in the comments below!
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