Thursday, 12 September 2013

Medieval Party Preparations started!

Club Penguin Igloo Catalog!

Hey guys the new igloo catalog has been released!
And here is the new igloo:

No update in swf!

Club Penguin September 2013 Furniture Catalog Cheats

Hey guys! Club Penguin September 2013 Furniture Catalog has been released and here are the cheats!

Again no update in swf!

Costume Trunk Cheats!

Hey guys! A new Costume Trunk is here! And here are the cheats!

But no update in swf??

Rockhopper's rare item catalog!

Hey guys!
Rockhopper has come and he has brought the rare items catalog! Here it is:

Rockhopper's Migrator comes to Beach!

Hey guys!
Rockhopper's Migrator comes to Beach and here is the swf pic:
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