Friday, 14 March 2014

Daily Free Membership: Day #2

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! Its the Day 2 of Daily Free Membership Contest! So all you have to do is only to post a comment here! And I'll choose a random comment and send a code to his mail! So be sure to put your original mail address while commenting!
Yesterday's winner: Tinkring12345 (I've chosen the winner randomly at

Day 2 begins!

Penguin of the Week: Piggy76890

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! This week's Penguin of the Week (POTW) has been chosen! Here what Daffodaily5 tells:
Check out puffle-lover Piggy76890’s iggy! It’s so fun and colourful! I bet her and her fluffy pets host some EPIC parties in there. Can Blossom and I come to the next one? XD
Don’t forget all winners now receive the ace Penguin of the Week background as well as 10,000 coins! So comment below if you know someone on CP who you think is just brill.
-Club Penguin

Club Penguin New room Sneak Peek!

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! Today, I could break u into a mysterious new room of Club Penguin! Thanks to Chilly0ne for telling me how to go there! Here is the pic:

Club Penguin Airport Sneak Peek!

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! Club Penguin's most awaited Muppets Takeover Party will start new week and here is a Sneak Peek of the room, Airport!

Club Penguin Cadence Meetup Timings For Celebration Of 5 Years Of Cp French!

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! CP French has completed 5 years and here are timings to meet Cadence for the celebration!
Thursday March 13, 2014, 17H30 (France) 11H30 (Québec), server YÉTI
Friday March 14, 2014, 17H00 (France) 11H00 (Québec), server YÉTI
Saturday March 15, 2014, 12H00 (France) 6H00 (Québec), server JOUR DE NEIGE
Saturday March 15, 2014, 17H00 (France) 11H00 (Québec), server YÉTI
Monday March 17, 2014, 17H00 (France) 11H00 (Québec), server YÉTI
Tuesday March 18, 2014, 16H30 (France) 10H30 (Québec), server YÉTI
Wednesday March 19, 2014, 17H00 (France) 11H00 (Québec), server YÉTI
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