Thursday, 5 December 2013

Get A Free Clothing Item From A Postcard!

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! There is a new postcards that has been released for the Holiday Party and if you send this postcard to your buddy, he will receive a clothing item!


Ride On Trains During Holiday Party and new puffle hats!

Hey guys! Look what I found in the membership page. These are the hints of Holiday Party 2013 and Prehistoric Party 2014!
DsT4OZG.png HtCczWP.png

Club Penguin Sports Catalog Cheats!

Club Penguin has released a new Sports catalog and here are the hidden cheats:




Club Penguin 'penguin Style Catalog' Cheats!

Club Penguin has new Penguin style catalog and here are the cheats:





Club Herbert Update!

Club Penguin Herbert page has been updated. See the new pic:

Club Penguin New Log Out Screen!

Club Penguin now has a new log out screen of Holiday Party 2013!

Coins for Change Begins Soon!

Hello Penguins!
Every year, millions of penguins donate billions of virtual coins to show their support for real world causes. I hope you've all been saving up those coins... because Coins for Change is almost here! 
This year, we're doing things a bit different. We started thinking about how the Holidays bring people together... when you work together you can make big things happen! We've decided that instead of 3 separate donation boxes, why not work together to support 10 projects! As you donate virtual coins, you'll help us unlock each project.
Here's a sneak peek of what the donation meter will look like:
I can't wait to get this started! I know we can all work together and make this happen. 
Whaddya think? How many coins have you saved up so far?
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

#WaddleOn - Sidekick Search

Rookie goes on a Sidekick Search with Rockhopper, Sensei, and all your favorite characters in #WaddleOn episode 18!
-Club Penguin Team

Amaru333's Birthday Party!

NOTE: This is a sticky post! For the latest cheats of Club Penguin, please scroll down! =)

Hey guys! Its me, Amaru333!
Yup you heard it right! Its my BIRTHDAY PARTY!! My birthday is on December 5th and I'd like to celebrate with you all guys! So here is the party details and the invitation:
Can't see the image? Here I will read it for you:
Amaru333's Birthday Party
Date: 5th December 2013
Time: 5:05 A.M PST
Server: Jack Frost (Room: Forest)
Giveaway details? Only those who come to the party will get the PRIZES!
So be sure to come to the party!! I will be waiting for you all!!


Rockhopper is coming back to CP!

Hey guys! Its Amaru333! Know what? Rockhopper is coming back to CP! As always, he is coming back for the Holiday Party 2013! See the image:
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