Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Chattabox's Summer Beach Bash

Hey guys!! Its me, Amaru333 again!! Chattabox is having another party!! She invites all of us to it!! Here what she says:

G'Day Penguins!
Last week's party was WADDLES OF FUN! Our rockin' conga line found its way back to the train station where we collected EVEN MORE coins to donate to Coins for Change, woop woop! I think you all deserve a huge 'high five' for all your efforts over the past few weeks, you're all totally awesome! 
Now all the excitement of Christmas and New Year is over, its time to start a fresh new year, set some goals for 2014 and party in the summer sun - for everyone in the southern hemisphere that is, everyone else can just imagine the sun to stay warm ;)
So this week, lets all head down to the beach, celebrate summer and set some goals for this year! Come dressed in your best summer outfit – I'm thinking bikini's, hula skirts, sunglasses…. And tell me your goals for 2014, I'll let you know mine too!
Once the beach party is over, why don't we check out the lighthouse and have an epic band session… one of my 2014 goals might have something to do with an electric guitar
Lets meet at the Beach on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 9th January, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 8th January for everyone over in the US and Canada.
Waddle on!
- The Club Penguin Team

Cool! Will you go to her party? I'll try to be there! So let us know through comments!!


Hey guys! As you know that the next party is the "Prehistoric party" and that members will be able to adopt dinosaur puffles, here is a small sneak peek of it by Polo Field:

That's right! 
The time has come -- later this month, dino puffles will be discovered in prehistoric Club Penguin. 
Even more exciting is that members will be able to adopt these puffles! BOOM.
What dino puffle are you looking forward to adopting? Leave us your thoughts in the comments. 
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

Wow!! Amazing!! I'd like to adopt the Purple colored puffle cause purple is my favorite color!!! Even others are cool!! So which of them will YOU adopt? Let us know through comments!!
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