Hey guys! Yesterday, I saw Disney Game- On in Television and it was about Club Penguin Halloween Party! I have taken some pics of the trailer and thought to share it here on Club Penguin Latest! The trailer was fully AWESOME! It had many things revealing the Halloween Party! So here are the cool pics of Halloween Party 2013!
The dress catalog of the Halloween Party:
Here is the Snow Forts:
Here is the School:
Here are the costumes:
Howling of werewolf:
An image of a penguin ghost:
Halloween Party on My Penguin App:
Exclusive Members catalog on My Penguin App:
An image of Mine in Club Penguin:
An image of how to collect candies:
So sweet and SPOOKY! So what was your favorite image? Werewolf? Picking Candies? Let us know through comments!
The dress catalog of the Halloween Party:
Here is the Snow Forts:
Here is the School:
Here are the costumes:
Howling of werewolf:
An image of a penguin ghost:
Halloween Party on My Penguin App:
Exclusive Members catalog on My Penguin App:
An image of Mine in Club Penguin:
An image of how to collect candies:
So sweet and SPOOKY! So what was your favorite image? Werewolf? Picking Candies? Let us know through comments!