English Servers:
Thursday, October 17, 2013
* 9:30am on the server Chinook
* 1:00pm on the server Rainbow
Friday, October 18, 2013
* 1:00am on the server Iceland
Saturday, October 19, 2013
* 3:00am on the server Northern Lights
* 12:30pm on the server Rainbow
* 3:00pm on the server Cloudy
Sunday, October 20, 2013
* 1:00pm on the server Frosty
Monday, October 21, 2013
* 9:30am on the server Jack Frost
* 5:00pm on the server Wool Socks
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
* 2:00am on the server Sherbert
* 9:30am on the server Chinook
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
* 9:30am on the server Fog
Monday, October 28, 2013
* 9:30am on the server Fog
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
* 1:00am on the server Fog
* 9:30am on the server Chinook
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
* 3:00am on the server Cozy
* 9:30am on the server White Out
Thursday, October 31, 2013
* 2:00am on the server Sherbert
* 9:30am on the server Fog
Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time. (If you don't remember what Penguin Standard Time is, you can check the Clock Tower at the Snow Forts) Waddle on! -Club Penguin Team
German servers:
Spanish Servers:
German servers:
- Thursday 17th October at 17:00 (Central European Time), server Iglu
- Monday 21st October at 17:00 (Central European Time), servers Gletscher
- Wednesday May 23 October at 15:45 (Central European Time), servers Lawine
- Monday 28 October at 17:30 (Central European Time), server Eiszeit
- Thursday 31 October at 17:00 (Central European Time) Server Handschuhe
Spanish Servers:
- October 19, 2:00 PM (Standard Time Club Penguin) in Cangrejo de Oro
- October 20, 01:00 PM (Standard Time Club Penguin) on Fábrica de Sustos
- October 22, 6:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) in Avalancha
- October 23, 6:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) Abracadabra
- October 23,11:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) Villano Inc.
- October 25th, 11:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) in Choque de Aletas
French Servers:
- Friday October 18, 2013: YÉTI – 16H30 time in France (10H30 time in Québec)
- Saturday October 19, 2013: JOUR DE NEIGE - 12H00 time in France (06H time in Québec)
- Saturday October 19, 2013: MOUSQUETON – 16H00 time in France (10H00 time in Québec)
- Monday October 21, 2013: YÉTI – 17H00 time in France (11H00 time in Québec)
- Tuesday October 22, 2013: YÉTI – 16H30 time in France (10H30 time in Québec)
- Wednesday October 23, 2013: Jour De Neige - 4:30 pm in France (10:30 in Quebec)
Portuguese Servers:
Thursday October 17, 2013
- 5:20 AM server Friaca
- 10:20 AM server Pororoca Polar
- 3:15 PM server Geladeira
Friday October 18, 2013
- 5:45 AM server Granizo
- 7:30 AM server Frape
- 3:10 PM server Estalactite
Saturday October 19, 2013
- 9:00 AM server Ventania
- 11:30 AM server Pizza Fria
- 1:00 PM server Meias de Lã
Monday October 21, 2013
- 4:30 AM server Neblina
- 9:30 AM server Inverno
- 11:45 AM server Sibéria
Tuesday October 17, 2013
- 6:30 AM server Bloco de Gelo
- 10:45 AM sever Deu Branco
- 12:10 PM server Avalanche
Wednesday October 23, 2013
- 2:15 PM server Estalactite
Monday October 28, 2013
- 4:45 AM server Frape
- 7:45 AM server Torta de Atum
- 11:15 AM server Glacial
Tuesday October 29, 2013
- 6:20 AM server Cristal de Gelo
- 9:35 AM server Vale Branco
- 12:10 PM server Boreal
Wednesday October 30, 2013
- 6:30 AM server Freezer
- 8:20 AM server Geladeira
- 2:10 PM server Meias de Lã
Thursday October 31, 2013
- 4:15 AM server Neblina
- 9:05 AM server Zero Grau
- 12:00 PM server Ventilador
Friday November 1, 2013
- 6:20 AM server Deu Branco
- 9:30 AM server Friaca
- 2:15 PM server Sundae